There is no earthly reason to keep six cats.
I never meant for it to be this way. My god it's like a bad marriage. You pull into the garage with the best of intentions; you only want to park the car for cryin' out loud. It's not as if you live in the country or something. You live in a LOFT...these things don't happen to people who live in lofts!
So, we're standing surrounded by grocery bags, waiting for the elevator to come. The prince and I get on and turn to press the button for our floor when what do we see hiding behind the open garage door---a little gray back. A little gray furry back.
"Please," she mews, once her nervousness subsides "I want to join the Ammonia Guard, and be a great guardian of the royal beds, windowsills and food bowls. They say it is a tough life that requires napping for 16 hours a day...but I think I can do it."
Poor little baby is all skin and bones, we're talking hollow kitty. She is so thin that it's hard to feel anything when we pick her up and take her upstairs with us.
"What is your name?" I ask after she has explored the bedroom and refreshed herself with a bit of food and water.
"Ella" she tells us; then she licks herself clean as she can of the grime from the garage and curls up to rest on the bed, beginning her guard duties immediately.
Well, how can the SP and I resist? Little Miss Ella Kit has got the chops. She's a fine guard member, and is filliing out rapidly. I had held out hope that by dismantling the draft we would have no new guard members since it's tough for a monarchy in exile to provide the wherewithal to keep an army clothed, fed, neutered, spayed, you know the rest.
It seems, however, that even with the shingle taken down the recruits will find us, and we, will always take them in.