Take two vain, individuals with an aesthetic just this side of Sun King (the Prince has been known to crank up Lully and rock out in the car. Ballet de la Nuit is great for that), a taste for obscure cultural pursuits; (baroque dance, anyone?), expensive clothes, surroundings and damned good food. Make them the sort of people upon whom bizarre and embarrassing mishaps descend like headlice on a kindergarten. Next make these two charming but misguided people voice actors with a radio dramatic company and what do you have...?
An episode of Frasier?
Well no, you have real life for the S.P. and his Queen Mother.
We auditioned in hopes of joining a local radio theatre company, and we were both accepted!
As of today we are well on our way to becoming the next Frasier & Niles!
I think this calls for a celebratory meal of tossed salads and scrambled eggs.
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